Specialty Labs

Rooted Rose Health offers extensive testing through LabCorp at highly discounted cash pay rates, as well as extensive speciality testing including gut analysis, heavy metals, food sensitivities, mold/toxins, neurotransmitters, cortisol, cardiometabolic testing, and more. To inquire about a test that is not listed, please call or email us for pricing. We are able to order any test that is available.

Comprehensive Lab Panel - $349

What’s Included:

Women: CBC. CMP, Lipids, B12, Folate, HS-CRP, Vitamin D3, A1C, Insulin, Progesterone, Estrogen, Testosterone, FSH, TSH, Free T3, Total T4, TPO Antibodies, Ferritin, Magnesium.

Men: CBC. CMP, Lipids, B12, Folate, HS-CRP, Vitamin D3, A1C, Insulin, PSA, Estrogen, Free Testosterone, Total Testosterone, TSH, Free T3, Total T4, TPO Antibodies, Ferritin.

What it’s for: This extensive lab panel provides a great overall picture of your health status. It evaluates your kidney, liver and thyroid function. It measures your B12, Folate, Ferritin, Vitamin D and hormone levels. It assesses your body for inflammation and autoimmunity, checks your cholesterol levels and determines if you are diabetic or have insulin resistance.

Who should get this test: If you have never had an extensive panel like this before or have not had one in the last 12 months, it is recommended. Recommended ages: 14-80 or above depending on health status.

Lab draw is completed at LabCorp

Hormone Panel

What’s Included:

Female General: - Includes Estradiol, Total Testosterone, Progesterone and FSH

Female Expanded: - Includes Estradiol, Total Testosterone, Progesterone, FSH, LH, Estrone and DHEA

Female Add-On: Free Testosterone

Male General: - CBC, Free Testosterone, Total Testosterone, Estradiol, Sex Hormone Binding Hormone


What it’s for: These hormone panels will identify deficiencies, sub-optimal levels and imbalances.

Who should get this test: Your hormones impact your life in ways you may not realize. Men and women who suffer from fatigue, depression, anxiety, decreased muscle tone, unexplained weight gain, irregular periods, acne and many other symptoms should have their hormones assessed. Recommended ages: 14-80 or above depending on health status.

Women who are menstruating should always check their hormones between days 17-24 of your cycle.

Lab draw is completed at LabCorp

Thyroid Panel

What’s included:

Men/Women Basic: - TSH, Free T3, Free T4, TPO Antibodies

Men/Women Add-Ons: Total T3, Total T4, Reverse T3, T3 Uptake, Thyroglobulin Antibodies

What it’s for: This panel assesses your complete thyroid function and will identify hypothyroidism, Hashimotos Thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, and sub-optimal thyroid function.

Who should get this test: Everyone! If you have never had a complete thyroid panel done or you have had some thyroid testing and were told “everything looks fine,” but still feel like there is something going on, start with the basic thyroid panel. Many men and women suffer with thyroid dysfunctions for years without an accurate diagnoses. You may have been told your TSH is normal and therefore your thyroid function is normal, this is incorrect. Recommended ages: 5-80 (if thyroid dysfunction is suspected, thyroid levels can be checked at any age).

Lab draw is completed at LabCorp.

Heavy Metals Panel

What’s included:

Testing for exposure to an array of heavy metals that could be linked to health issues.

Lab draw is completed at LabCorp.

A heavy metal test checks for irregular levels of toxic or potentially harmful metals. You may interact with toxic metals in your environment, food, or water. Consuming too much of these metals can lead to heavy metal poisoning and other chronic health concerns.

Additional Speciality Testing

Gut Health testing

Research overwhelmingly indicates that gut health impacts overall health and that disease begins in the gut. The gut microbiome plays a critical role in mediating the effects of diet and other factors on health, including digestive, immune, metabolic and neuroendocrine functions. Assessing GI health with the proper tools can help us get to the root cause of chronic concerns.

This DNA analysis will help us uncover root-cause issues that are causing many of your health concerns.

Food Sensitivity testing

Food sensitivity testing is a critical component of any comprehensive approach to disease prevention. Sensitivity testing through a quick and easy blood test provides a way to discover potential causes of food related-reactions.

When patients remove reactive foods, they report improvement in symptoms, elimination of chronic health issues, and an enhanced quality of life.

Brain Health: Cortisol & Neurotransmitter testing

Stress is epidemic in our society, and it is severely impacting our quality of life with many physical and emotional consequences. These tests allow us to assess adrenal gland and nervous system function for a comprehensive view of the stress response.

This is for individuals reporting quality-of-life concerns related to stress such as poor sleep, anxiety, fatigue, mood instability, and brain fog.

Advanced Heart Health testing

Heart disease takes more lives than cancers, but it is also largely preventable if caught and treated early.

Using innovative blood tests, we can provide a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of your cardiovascular and metabolic risks. We utilize this data to prevent disease through a customized treatment regimen and nutritional guidance.

Our mission is to identify hidden risks of heart disease and address them in order to promote longevity and quality of life.

Mold & Toxin testing

Mycotoxins cause adverse health effects that may be acute and chronic in nature, and can manifest through various symptoms.

The growth of these biological agents in damp environments leads to the production of spores, cells, fragments, and volatile organic compounds which have been linked to a wide range of health concerns, such as fatigue, brain fog, respiratory issues, etc.

Testing serves to identify symptomatic patients with known mold exposure or with an environmental history concerning mold exposure.

Contact 813-280-5152 for any additional questions regarding labs.